Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Move over, Nellie Olsen.

What a sweet picture of Mother (35) and Daughter(7). 
Mama's smile just about breaks my heart in two pieces.  
At her baby shower for my brother, Justin.  

Don't you just envy my outfit?  I am almost positive that Mama made that dress for me.  She sewed many of my clothes when I was younger.  I remember that I loved that dress so much.  It was Laura Ingalls Wilder Chic!  Don't laugh.  I was trendy at the time.

It was June, 1979 in my small Texas hometown.   I had just finished 1st grade and been promoted to Big Sister status.  I was sporting a well-coiffed Dorothy Hamill hairdo and was headed off to a baby shower for Mama and new baby brother, Justin, at the First Baptist Church.  I am sure that my inner dialogue went something like this: 

What to wear?  What to wear?
Oh!!   I know what will be great in this sweltering summer heat:
My black, long-sleeved, floor length, patchwork quilt dress.  
You just never know when Almanzo will show up and whisk me away! 

I remember having a disagreement with Mama about wearing this dress.    I also remember being resolute and determined to wear this dress. "I just HAVE to wear it."  She was probably trying to reason with me telling me that it was too hot.  But, you know as well as I do, that, sometimes, one must sacrifice comfort for style.

I'll bet that you are probably thinking that I sacrificed both. Hey, I was 7 and times were different then.  Give a small town girl a break! 

 Don't you think I'd fit right in On the Banks of Plum Creek ??


Erin Colvin said...

I had a dress very similar...my grandmother made it! Mine was green and my hair was cut in " Dorothy Hamil" style as well. I have such fond memories of that dress too! That is hilarious!

Unknown said...

You were CUTE!! And you're right ... a girls gotta wear what a girls gotta wear!

Jacquie said...

Too funny! I was a Laura Ingalls girl too. My mom made pretty much all my clothes as a little girl. Every time I'd get a new outfit, I'd go from door to door in the neighborhood to show it off! Geez.

I never got the Dorothy Hamill because of these goofy curls.

kanishk said...

I have such fond memories of that dress too! That is hilarious!

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