Saturday, January 31, 2009

I gotta get one of these!

Today we had an event at our church called Kid Blitz Live. Jeremy and I have the pleasure of serving on Sunday mornings with the 3rd - 5th graders using the Kid Blitz fun, fast paced curriculum . One day I will tell you more about my secret identity as Barbara Barker, but that is another blog, another day. Anyhoo, today was the day that Kid Blitz came to our church with their great stage set up and fun games for kids and parents.

Jeremy was a stage hand today for the performance and during one of the games he made a mistake that caused a water balloon to pop on a Dad's head. Nevermind the fact that the Dad's child was using a razor to shave the shaving cream off of the balloon while the Mom held it.
I love this shot of the Dad praying. (God said no to that prayer!)

As a consequence for not "upholding his duties as stage hand to the best of his abilities and to serve as a reminder to do better next time", the Kid blitz guy POOFED Jeremy.

What is POOFING, you may ask? Luckily for you, I have documented the entire thing.

First, we have the offender stand mid-stage. Note how the Kid Blitz guy has safety glasses on for this dangerous activity. He also reminded us that we should not try this at home so I feel like I should give the same disclaimer to you.

After the offender has been properly reminded of his shortcomings and our belief that he can do better in the future, this is what happens:
He gets POOFED with a gigantic puffball and flour! That will teach 'em! The audience loved it and I thought that Jeremy was a great sport!

I think that it was probably all worth it since at the end Jeremy got to use power tools!

1 comment:

Ang said...

Looks like you have a really fun church! :)