Friday, March 20, 2009

Calebism #1

We have had a great spring break this week complete with sleepovers, swimming, cousins, grandparents, tractor rides and playdates with friends.

Today our friend came over with her 3 boys and 1 extra boy. In our opinion, you can never have too many boys!

Caleb wanted to go onto a website before they came over, but we ran out of time so he changed tactics. He came to me with a straight face and told me how much his buddy wanted to go onto the site (he is so selfless and other centered, you know.) I smiled and told him that I did not want this playdate to be all about electronics and that I just wanted them to play.

He said, "Mom, this is the 21st century and playdates are all about electronics."

Nice try son. Now go play so that Mom and her friend can update our Facebook statuses.

1 comment:

Jacquie said...

Oh, that's funny! Nice that he felt the need to let you know what century we're in. Do kids actually play outside these days??